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點擊次數:2685 更新時間:2009-11-02

    電動閥具備裝配容易、故障率低以及符合業界自動化需求的優點,是業者較劃算的選擇。因為使用一般傳統氣動閥,免不了要有配管、電磁閥及壓縮機等才能匹配,而電動閥是以馬達驅動,安裝簡易省事,且電動閥安裝配合工廠原有的自控線路即可,可節省其他成本支出。此外,以馬達驅動方式開閉較平順,無瞬間沖力過大的缺點,故障率可大幅降低,不少人都認為電動閥貴,使用成本高,其實不然,如果以整體計算,傳統閥要加上許多配件及管路安裝,價格并未占優勢,反而要承擔較多的保養費.所以電動閥的前景是比較廣闊的。 Electric   valves   open   and   close   valves   on   the   electric   motors   as   a   driving   force   for   the   larger   valves,   electric   valves,   the   processes   can   be   used   to   control   the   flow.Electric   valves   fitted   with   easy,   low   failure   rate   in   the   industry   and   the   advantages   of   automation   needs   is   more   economical   choice   operators.   Because   of   the   use   of   general   traditional   pneumatic   valves,   inevitably   a   ticket   pipes,   and   electromagnetic   valves,   compressors   can   match,   and   electrical   devices   are   motor-driven,   easy   to   install,   and   the   installation   of   electrical   devices   with   the   original   robotic   factory   line   will   be   able   to   reduce   other   costs.   In   addition   to   motor-driven   approach   to   turn   more   smoothly,   without   an   excessive   momentum   shortcomings,   failures   can   be   substantially   reduced   rate,   many   people   believe   that   your   electric   valves,   the   use   of   high   cost,   but   in   fact   it   is   not,   if   a   holistic   basis,   and   many   accessories   to   traditional   valves   and   the   installation   of   pipelines,   the   price   is   not   dominant,   Instead,   they   will   assume   more   maintenance.   Therefore,   the   prospects   for   electrical   devices   are   relatively   broad.


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